Fruit Cleanse Experience - Thursday Jan 14 2018
My Fruit cleanse experience
I started the fruit cleanse late this year, on Tuesday, October 9, 2018. The 3-day fruit cleanse was immediately after Thanksgiving, and this allowed me to get a “head start” because I was able to go start the fruit cleanse with a full belly of two Thanksgiving dinners: once on Sunday and again on Monday.
For the most part, the fruit cleanse went fairly well. I felt great the first two days at work despite the usual challenges and unpleasantries. Each day, I ate raw bananas, apples, oranges, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, and pineapple. However, I had an avocado on Wednesday. This avocado helped me with the hunger, sugar rushes, and temptation. I did not eat any tomatoes, almonds and other “fruits” that usually people don’t consider fruit. By omitting these, I always feel less satisfied than my October 2016 fruit cleanse. However, I had many more bananas and apples to make up for the lost items.
I did have a terrible headache on Tuesday mid-way through the day because of my coffee withdrawal. It is incredible how much my body depends on coffee. It is an addiction. It most definitely feels like a drug. I also noticed that I went to the washroom (to urinate) plenty of times throughout the workday which is unusual for me. So, when I am not on my fruit cleanse, each “regular” day I may very well be dehydrated because of the coffee.
Learning points
I learned from the prior year that eating great quantities of pineapple in one sitting creates an immense sugar rush and stomach pain. Therefore, I divided my pineapple consumption into small amounts and, by spreading the pineapple throughout the day, I avoided these massive sugar rushes. The advantage of pineapple is that it reduces my hunger pains.
Temptation Story
I had the day off from work today, and I had many more temptations because I had access to a lot of different foods at my apartment. Furthermore, I was using a lot of physical effort dismantling furniture, so I naturally became hungry. Therefore, all day I felt temptation, and I thought that it was going to defeat me. My temptation to stop the fruit cleanse was much stronger this year than in the past two years. I believe the reason for this was because I was not participating in the 40 days to Personal Revolution Program. There was no one to share my results with. There was no accountability. Thus, part of my prior year success is likely attributable to the 40 days program.
Today with my temptation becoming uncontrollable, I reached out to Aneta, and she gave me the strength to push through my remaining “hours” as she put it. Without her support, I would have indulged and the fruit cleanse would be a failure.
Asana challenges - or perhaps No challenges
I felt powerful during asana including today and the two prior days. Today, I felt that my jump forwards from downward dog were powerful and controlled and had great “hang time.” So, I was pleased with each asana session. However I must admit, on Tuesday and Wednesday, there were times where I felt a little dizzy and off-center because of the fruit cleanse.
I did not complete any “traditional” meditations. However, during the day I caught myself sitting on the couch and reflecting out my fruit cleanse and all the benefits and awareness it has brought me. I also reflected on all the negative things too.
At this time of reflection, I noticed that I felt calm and at peace. This calmness is where I would like to be more often. In contrast to the usual daily thoughts of needing to accomplish more and more each day, ad nauseam.