Neil Robinson

welcome to my personal blog

Free yoga class on Sun Jul 23 2017

I had a wonderful class with Cassandra she did an amazing job teaching the class.

There was a fellow yogi that had a serious medical surgery. As a result, Cassandra slowed the practice downed to accommodate him; which was a great decision. I did not mind at all either because either way I was going to have an amazing journey. I had the chance to really get into my poses and get a good stretch and perfect my technique with the assistance of Cassandra. In particular, she assisted and helped me with my triangle pose. She allowed me somehow to twist further than I am able to do on my own, and I found a new “edge”. However, I tried replicate that on the following Monday, but I could not seem to twist like that.

Cassandra asked me after the class for feedback and I told her she did an excellent job! She had a difficult class to teach with yogi’s with sensitive injuries and that type of ‘on the spot’ flexibility and openness to change is a great skill set to have. Nothing is going to stop her!