Neil Robinson

welcome to my personal blog

Fruit Cleanse Experience - October 4 2017

My Fruit cleanse experience

I started fruit cleanse Monday because I felt ready and I need do ease up to the onslaught my body will endure on Sunday for Thankgiving dinner!

I had lots of fruits during the past 3 days. I did not eat very many cucumbers, peppers, and avocados. I had mostly bananas, oranges, orange melon, tomatoes, and grapes. I ate a whole pineapple today, and I had a insane sugar high for approximately 20 minutes afterwards!

I did not prepare any smoothies or meals. I simply ate the fruit raw unprocessed as is.

Temptation Story

Yesterday, the creator of the universe was testing me. I was in a professional development class and during the entire afternoon class, for some reason, the room was filled with the smell of fried chicken! I thought I was hallucinating; however, others commented that they could smell it as well. I did not break down. I continued snacking with my orange melon and bananas. SO BE STRONG.

Asana challenges

My Tuesday asana practice while on the cleanse was a little weaker than normal. I felt that the sense of giving up and coming out of poses came more quickly than normal. I felt drained during practice. But I think that is normal. My Wednesday asana practice was easier because I think I was used to the not having the energy and I was able to be more mentally strong because of that experience. I told myself that I could push through and hold longer.


I did not have any issues with mediation while on the cleanse. I thought I would be craving food, but this was not the case at all.