Neil Robinson

welcome to my personal blog

Yoga 60 - Monday August 28 2017

Vienna taught this Monday night, and it was a great class. It was exceptionally hot and humid before the class started. So, the sweat came on early and the sweat was pouring off me throughout the class. It was amazing.

Vienna helped me with my warrior two (on the left side). She positioned my leg / knee further to the left, I guess I had my knee too far right. Furthermore, she positioned it more to a ‘square’ (the leg forms a 90 degree angle from shin to the leg or leg parallel to the floor). I held it for a long time and I think I blew through a few edges in that one pose. Yet I held it has long as I possibly could and I worked through it. I think I will have to focus on a new edge now because Vienna help me blast through some mental barriers!

At the end of the class while in savasana with the room quiet as it always is. Two men outside were talking about BBQ chicken and then one of the men told the other guy that he needed to go home and get his Viagra. The entire yoga class burst out laughing. I am curious if the guy heard us laughing.