Grab PE Ratio from Google Finance in python
Added on August 19, 2016, and the hyperlinks work as of that date
Essentially what this code grabs the PE ratio and calculates the V* (Benjamin Graham formula)
the page variable needs to be modified to the stock that you want. The default setting is currently set at RY (Royal Bank of Canada).
#Use freely in any manner you like; I assume no liable for any damages that you may cause. :)
#Written by Neil Robinson
from lxml import html
import requests
#page = requests.get('')
page = requests.get('')
tree = html.fromstring(page.content)
pe_ratio_d = tree.xpath('//td[@class="key"]/text()')
pe_ratio = tree.xpath('//td[@class="val"]/text()')
print 'PE Ratio: ', pe_ratio_d[5]
print 'PE Ratio: ', pe_ratio[5]
print 'V*: ', float(pe_ratio[5])*((8.5+2*.1))
Output on August 19, 2016:
PE Ratio: P/E
PE Ratio: 12.19
V*: 106.053