Ashley was our instructor and she performed wonderfully. She had great stories about challenges within her. She also switched things up in the normal yoga routine. The whole class had to get in a cirlce and perform tree pose with the physical support of people hand’s pressing into each other’s for support. So, everyone was able to go deeper and express themselves further than they normally could without being supported. It was awesome.
I completed a yoga class with Vicki today; during the yoga class she disccused the concept of fear and how your fear in yoga class resonates throughout the your life (i.e. outside of yoga class). I think sometimes this is true; I am terrified of doing headstands and handstands because of the fear of making a mistake and falling. Outside of yoga class I tend to not take risk in fear of failing or making an error or mistake.
Power Yoga Strength Training since April 2017 I have been going to Power Yoga Strength class each Satruday since April 2017 and I have been getting a lot stronger in my core and legs. My regular practice yoga 60 classes seem a little easier after the Strength classes. However, I must remind myself to continue to push further still on my Yoga 60 classes.
I lost about 9 pounds over the course of 2 months from tax season weight gain.
Welcome to my new Go Hugo project. My website is now made by GoHugo Static Website Engine.
The motto of Go Hugo is:
Make the Web Fun Again
which rings true for me. I had a wordpress site for many years now and the updates were always annoying and, if I was busy for a month, and neglect to update the site when there is a significant security issue and your site needed the new update then your website was liable to be hacked or injected with malware.